OSLO, Dec. 9 (Xinhua ) - A Norwegian lawyer reiterated severe criticism of the Nobel Committee for giving the Nobel Peace Prize 2010 to a Chinese criminal who is serving a sentence, and noted that many countries have decided not to attend the ceremony. Fredrik S. Heffermehl said, "Instead of cooperation and dialogue, this year the Nobel Committee has promoted controversy and ill will" by awarding the Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo.
"A group that has shown such ignorance of modern ideas about building peace is disqualified must resign immediately," he said.
Liu, 54, was sentenced to 11 years in prison on December 25, 2009 by a court Beijing accused of violating the law of China and participate in activities to overthrow the government. regard to the purpose of the award, Heffermehl said that "if the Committee had complied with the purpose that Alfred Nobel had in mind, would have prompted the international unit and promoted disarmament through international law and institutions." "Since many human rights abuses are the result of arms races and war, a real prize for the militarist idea of \u200b\u200bNobel would have done more for human rights in the world and the various international problems in environmental, poverty, health, etc.. "
"The Peace Prize of 2010 reflects the mentality of these people still sits in the Western paternalism and the Cold War," he said, adding that the Nobel Committee could have awarded numerous efforts to develop an understanding democracy and the rule of law in China through dialogue and peaceful communication.
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