Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ovarian Cysts And Post Viral Syndrome

Infections in Spanish ICUs decreased by 18% in two years - - ELSEVIER

ICU Infections in English ICUs decreased by 18% in two years and agencies · March 24, 2011 10:44

. ENVIN-HELICS The report, prepared by the English Society of Intensive Care, Critical and Coronary Unit, highlights the importance of this decline has been the establishment of Bacteremia Zero program.

acquired infections in intensive care units (ICU) English have been reduced by 18% in two years, with Bacteremia Zero program in place to take extra hygiene precautions in these areas where patients have fewer defenses, get punctures, catheters and drains and there is a flora of viruses and bacteria that promote infections. This was revealed

ENVIN-HELICS report prepared by the English Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Critical and Coronary Units (SEMICYUC) on UCI 151, from about 220 that exist in Spain, after addressing a total of 16,950 patients for three months.

Speaking to Europa Press, one of the authors of the report, the doctor at Hospital del Mar, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bFrancisco Alvarez Lerma, explains that infections acquired in English ICUs have been reduced to 11.1 per 100 patients 2010, compared to 13.5 two years ago.

Reducing infections also involves a reduction in mortality, although the severity of illness of patients is the same, noted Alvarez, who has indicated that it has noted that, although mortality in 2009 was 11.3% in 2010 down to 10.61%, which could mean about 17,000 patients avoid death more than a hundred patients.

Most infections in the ICU (41.78%) are ventilator associated pneumonia, which in turn leads to a 30% mortality for patients.

The introduction of probes and catheters foster a 24.92% of UTI cases, said the specialist at the Hospital del Mar, who has been blamed for these complications to altered immunity in patients suffering from this area hospital as a result of the drugs they receive, the risk posed by the introduction of foreign bodies in the body and the "hospital flora ecosystem" that is generated .

This will also lead a cross-transmission of infections in patients, seen by many doctors of different specialties, and the result of its weak state.

But Bacteremia Zero program, sponsored by the World Health Organization (WHO), recalls the need for clean hands of the physician for each patient, the greater caution in the introduction catheters and proposal of a disinfectant clorhexedina-more powerful to improve the management of these opportunistic infections.

Most patients, between 40% and 45% - of the UCI have medical conditions associated with acute infectious and neurological disorders, between 15 and 20% are scheduled-surgical patients who go down to the ICU for more monitored, "between 30 and 35% are patients with heart disease and between 9 and 10% are trauma patients.

The average patient age is 62, with 50% of patients included in the range between 40 and 69 years, most admitted-65% - are men, and the survival rate no significant differences by gender.

National Surveillance Study nocosomial Infection in Intensive Care Services conducted since 1994 with the participation of 80% of ICUs in its history, and confirms that the mortality rates and infection in Spain are on average international.

Welcome to SEMICYUC .

News Latest News - JANOes and agencies - Infections in English ICUs decreased by 18 in two years - - ELSEVIER


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